Table Top Quidditch Rules

Table Top Quidditch

           – TTQ –


The pitch is an oval defined by the white lines around the border. The centre circle is in the middle of the pitch. There are 3 hooped goals at each end of the pitch, they are raised above the ground at different levels. Light shaded areas around the goals denote the shooting zone.

When the game starts the players must be within their half of the pitch and not within the centre circle as this is where the Quaffle and Bludgers are released from.

The pitch in the board game is separated into squares which the players and balls use to move.

Game progression

At the start of the game the players role to see who will take the first phase. Players can move their players, make tackles, hit Bludgers, and catch snitches, however only 1 Chasers may make moves each phase along with 1 beater and the Seeker. Once all players have had their eligible moves the phase goes to the other player.

A phase is also ended voluntarily by a player or when a player commits a foul, scores a goal, drops the Quaffle, looses possession, the Quaffle is intercepted or a player is knocked off their broomstick.

Players start within their own half’s and may not enter the centre circle until the balls are released.

The balls are released from the center circle. When the game starts the Bludgers travel towards the nearest players, one of each Bludger travels towards the nearest player on each team.

The Quaffle starts in the centre of the pitch.

Each goal scored gives the scoring team 10 points.

After a goal is scored, the Keeper of the team scored upon throws the Quaffle back into play.

Capturing the Snitch earns the Seeker’s team 150 points and ends the game. However players may agree to end the game if they both consent to it or the game is conceded by the withdrawing captain, if the game is ended with a player conceding, the points for the snitch go to the other player.

General Rules

Players may not exit the boundaries of the field.

If a player is knocked out of the boundary by a Tackle, the Quaffle is given to the nearest opposing player to where the Quaffle exited play.

When a foul is committed the referee decides that the foul deserves a penalty shot. The penalty shot lets a chaser start from the centre circle and travel without getting stopped by any other players. The chaser must then take a shot when they reach the scoring zone against the keeper. The game then progresses as normal.

Tackle: A tackle can be made when a player comes within 1 space of an opposing player in possession of the Quaffle. A tackle may then be declared by the player who’s phase it is. A D6 is then rolled by the Tackler. Results take effect as follows:

1= Bad tackle results in the opposing player gaining advantage they role a D6 as if they were the tackler.

2= Knocked 1 space, direction chosen by tackler.

3= Knocked 1 space, direction chosen by tackler. If they carry the Quaffle they are dispossessed and the opposition player gains the Quaffle.

4= Dazed does not take any action for an entire phase. If they carry the Quaffle they are dispossessed and the opposition player gains the Quaffle.

5= Knocked off course. Travels a D6 in a random direction defined by the directional dice. Also if in possession of the Quaffle the opposition player gains the Quaffle.

6= Foul. [fouling explained above].


Quidditch consists of 1 Quaffle, 2 Bludgers and 1 Snitch.


The Quaffle is a red enchanted ball that makes it easier to grip and makes it drop slowly so it is not always necessary to dive after a dropped ball.

In game terms this gives the Quaffle the following characteristics:

When a catch is attempted the player must make a dice roll and achieve 2+ to succeed. If the catch fails the Quaffle goes loose. This test does not have to be made if the player gains the ball through tackling.

When the Quaffle goes loose it travels 1 square in a random direction or stays in that location; this random movement is determined by the directional dice.

The Quaffle needs to be in the same space as player for them to attempt to catch it.


The Bludgers are slow moving iron balls that are designed to be obstacles and hit players off of there brooms.

In game the Bludgers move at 4 squares a phase towards the nearest player that turn.

If a Bludger makes contact with a player they get a chance to dodge on a 3+ the dodge is successful and the Bludger carries on 4 squares in a random direction. This is determined by the directional dice, if a direct hit is rolled, roll again until a directional result is achieved.

If the dodge is not made then a die is rolled to see what the result is:

1= Knocked off broom takes no more part in game. Quaffle goes loose if victim is in possession.

2= Injured – 1 to movement. Quaffle goes loose if victim is in possession.

3= Injured – 1 to dice rolls concerning this player. Quaffle goes loose if victim is in possession.

4= Dazed does not take any action for an entire phase. Quaffle goes loose if victim is in possession.

5= Knocked off course. Travels a D6 in a random direction defined by the directional dice. Quaffle goes loose if victim is in possession.

6= Victim moved in D6 amount of squares chosen by opposing player. Quaffle goes loose if victim is in possession.

Golden Snitch

The Golden Snitch appears either when the players wish to end the game or one of the seekers spots the snitch (explained later). When the snitch does appear it does so in a random location the location is found by rolling one D6 for the width of the pitch and another for the length this will then determine the grid position that the snitch appears at. The snitch moves in a direction defined by the directional dice. 2 D6 are then rolled to determine the amount of squares the snitch travels after every phase.


There are 7 players on each Quidditch team. 1 Seeker, 2 Beaters and 4 chasers.


Any player can be given the captaincy.

While the captain is on the field a dice re-roll may be applied to any roll once a phase. However the re-roll result must be accepted.

Star player

Any Player can be the star player.

The star player may modify one of their dice rolls a phase, where the roll concerns them to whatever result they choose.


Only one chaser is allowed in the scoring zone at a time.

The chaser may pass or shoot the Quaffle up to 15 squares if the pass is within 1-5 squares the passer must achieve a 2+, 6-8 squares = 4+, 9-10 squares = 5+ and over 10 squares the passer must get a 6.

If a shot is successful, the chaser and the keeper both roll a dice if the chaser scores the highest the goal is scored, if the keeper scores highest the goal is saved. If the chaser is in the scoring area the chaser is not required to take a shooting test but the roll off is carried out as normal.

Opposition chasers on the team without possession may attempt to intercept passes that travel within 3 squares of them. They must roll a 6+ if the pass is passed between 1-5 squares, 6-10 squares 4+ and 11-15 = 2+. When passed or shot the Quaffle always travels to its destination by the most direct route.

If the pass is failed the Quaffle goes loose.


The beaters can hit Bludgers when they come into contact with them they may do this if they choose not to dodge the Bludger. NOTE: Another beater who has received a direct hit from another beater may only attempt to dodge.

The Bludger is successfully hit on a 2+, a die is rolled and the result is added to the movement range of the Bludger and can be directed in any direction the controlling player wishes.

If the Bludger hit is unsuccessful a directional dice is rolled along with the D6 that determines the distance the Bludger travels. The Bludger travels at the full distance in the direction indicated. If the directional dice results in a hit then the controlling player decides the direction of the hit.


Keepers may move out of the area and behave as Chasers.

When the Chaser makes an attempt to score both players roll a D6, if the Chasers controlling player gets the highest score a goal is scored. If the player controlling the goalkeeper gets the highest result the goal is saved.

If the goal is saved a dice must be rolled on a 3+ the Keeper keeps the Quaffal and may pass it to a player. If the result is not achieved the save is not clean and the Quaffal is repelled in a random direction decided by the player controlling the keeper. A D6 is then rolled to determine how far the Quaffal is repelled in the direction chosen.

After a goal is scored the keeper restarts play by throwing the Quaffal back into play and after all players on both sides have taken a free move, bludgers stay static until the keeper restarts the game.


The seeker is the only player allowed to touch the snitch.

Each phase the seeker gives the player a roll of 3D6 if the result is 3 the snitch appears and is spotted by that seeker. That seeker gets an addition movement range of 3 for the remainder of that turn.

The opposition Seeker needs to roll a 2+ to see the snitch if this roll is failed that seeker may not attempt to catch the snitch for the remainder of the phase. This roll is attempted at the beginning of every phase until successful.

The snitch is caught when a seeker who is eligible too comes into contact with it. The game then ends and earns the catchers team 150 points.


A player may pass or catch the Quaffle or hit the Bludger then move or move and then pass the Quaffle or the Bludger. Players may not move, pass, catch or hit then move some more.

All players have the same broomsticks so travel at the same rate which is 5 squares.

Seekers are the fastest players however and may move 6 squares.


A foul is committed if a 6 is rolled as a tackling result.

A foul is committed if any other player but the seeker touches the snitch.

A foul is committed if any other player but the chasers and keeper touch the Quaffle.

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